Saturday, September 15, 2012

ART AT LEAH'S - class #1 - ages 5 - 8

Bradley (age 5) working hard on his Texture drawing

One of Bradley's finished Texture drawings - well done!

Blair (age 5) proudly showing two of her many wonderful Texture drawings - Great job Blair!

Drawing from life - Emma (age 8)

Drawing from pictures - Ashton (age 7)

Ashton and Emma drawing from life AND pictures!

Ashton (age 7) working hard on one of her beautiful butterflies

Emma (age 8), Chloe (age 7) and Ashton (age 7) - showing their works in progress - great job girls!

...and the art continues.....FACE PAINTING after art class!!! 

This is class #1 of a four part ART CLASS for ages 5 - 8.  The older kids worked on drawing skills while the younger ones worked with texture.  Then they kept the art going after I left by doing some FACE PAINTING!  What a fun, energizing time we had last night!!